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Customize the Manjaro with Gnome

Since I cannot stand the Windows, I embraced the Linux.

When I started to write the article, I haven’t install the Chinese Input Method, and therefore I just completed it in English.


I’ve used Windows OS for a long time. I can still remember that time, when I was just a junior high school student. It’s 2015. I was still a fan to Microsoft at that time. And it’s also in that year, the Windows 10 was released. I was so excited but I didn’t have a good PC then that could reach the lowest requirement of Windows 10. But I still tried to recommend one of my friends and helped him install this newly released operation system. At that time, I couldn’t understand why there were so many people who did not want to try the new system, but kept the old and already-retired Windows XP. But many years have passed, and now it turns to me that I cannot understand why there are still so many bugs on Windows 10. So I was waiting for Windows 11 coming soon, hoping some breaking changes and improments. However, unfortunately, it is just not as good as what I thought.

About a month ago, on Jun 17th, I installed the Manjaro with Gnome.

But just after a month, on Jul 19th, it crashed. (but Windows is worse still I think)

And that’s why I wrote this article —- to restore my customized system working environment quickly instead of searching the bug solutions for a whole day for everytime I reinstalled the system.


Set Pacman Mirrors

sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Delete other unnecessary mirrors and add:

Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
# Server = http://mirrors.redrock.team/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch

Disable mirrorlist automatically refreshing:

sudo systemctl disable pamac-mirrorlist.timer

Set the keyboard shortcuts



Go by Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Customize Shortcuts

Launch Terminalgnome-terminalSuper + T
Launch NautilusnautilusSuper + E
Delay Screenshotgnome-screenshot --delay 3Ctrl + Print

Edit the VSCode Settings

You need to installl VSCode before reading this section.

Edit ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json:

    "window.zoomLevel": 2,
    // Fix Terminal Font Display
    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "NotoSansMono Nerd Font",
    // Make tab size from 2 to 4
    "vetur.format.options.tabSize": 4

Enable Chrome Parallel Downloading

Open chrome://flags/#enable-parallel-downloading, and switch to Enable.

Fix Multisystem time synchronization problem

timedatectl set-local-rtc 1

If you want to verify:


Install Packages



The base-devel includes these packages:

autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, fakeroot, file, findutils, flex, gawk, gcc, gettext, grep, groff, gzip, libtool, m4, make, pacman, patch, pkgconf, sed, sudo, texinfo, which

If it’s uninstalled, you may get some errors then like ERROR: Cannot find the fakeroot binary. when using yay. So run the command before you install other packages:

sudo pacman -S base-devel

Other Basic Packages

sudo pacman -S yay
sudo pacman -S vim
sudo pacman -S net-tools


sudo pacman -S neofetch
sudo pacman -S btop
sudo pacman -S htop
sudo pacman -S gnome-terminal-fedora
sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt
sudo pacman -S aria2
sudo pacman -S gpick
yay -S marktext-bin
yay -S visual-studio-code-bin
yay -S obs-studio
yay -S google-chrome
yay -S firefox-developer-edition
yay -S feishu
# To install Netease Cloud Music (not official), run:
yay -S electron-netease-cloud-music
# Or a more beautiful version:
yay -S yesplaymusic
# Emoji Picker
yay -S emote
yay -S burpsuite
yay -S postman-bin
yay -S scrcpy

Developing Environment


sudo pacman -S npm
sudo pacman -S yarn
sudo npm install -g nrm
nrm use taobao
sudo npm install -g @vue/cli
sudo npm install -g create-react-app


sudo pacman -S deno


# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


sudo pacman -S jdk-openjdk

Install Docker

sudo pacman -S docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Install Asia Languages Input Methods

sudo pacman -S fcitx5 fcitx5-qt fcitx5-gtk

For Chinese:

sudo pacman -S fcitx5-rime

For Japanese:

sudo pacman -S fcitx5-mozc

For Korean:

sudo pacman -S fcitx5-hangul

Edit ~/.xprofile for X11 users:

export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx5"

Edit ~/.pam_environment for Wayland users:

export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx5
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx5"

Open fcitx5-configtool to move the input methods from right that you are going to use to left.

To beautify the skin of the input methods, refer to thep0y / fcitx5-themes.

Install icalingua(Electron QQ)

yay -S mongodb-bin
yay -S mongodb-tools-bin
sudo systemctl enable mongodb.service
sudo systemctl start mongodb.service
yay -S icalingua

Install clash

sudo pacman -S clash

Move your config.yaml to ~/.config/clash. Then:

sudo systemctl enable clash@$USER
sudo systemctl start clash@$USER

Open the dashboard for configuration.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
最后更新于 Aug 25, 2021 00:00 +0800
Built with Hugo
主题 StackJimmy 设计